The Cat That Caused The Guinness World Records To Stop Giving Fat Animal Awards.

Meow (2010 – May 5, 2012), also known as Meow the fat cat, was a male domestic cat who attracted international attention when an animal shelter publicized efforts to slim him down, in an attempt to have him adopted. However, Meow died of lung failure two weeks after entering the animal shelter, on May 5, 2012. He was the world's heaviest cat at his time of death, weighing 39.6 pounds (18.0 kilograms).
However, Meow weighed 18.0 kilograms (39.7 lb), making him the heaviest cat in the world at the time, although not the heaviest on record. Himmy, a cat from Australia, weighed 21.3 kilograms (46.8 pounds) at his death during his tenth year, in 1986. Guinness World Records has since stopped recording the world's heaviest pets in order to discourage deliberate overfeeding.
source: wikipedia
